On The Beat: Feeling Body Documentary Short

K Duarte
4 min readSep 25, 2020

“Follow the beat”

Pre-order your tote bag and make a contribution.

Bag Designed by artist Bibiana Badia

This black and white tote was design by artist Bibiana Badia. Inspired by West African mask tradition and female deity from Nigeria, Ala. Ala is the female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, fertility, and creativity in Odinani. She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon.When you buy a tote bag you will help us in coverinig the post-production costs including sound mix and design, music, and color.

Donation: $25 US (+ Shipping) Early bird: $20 (+Shipping). Offer only until October 31st, 2020. Make your donation and place your order. Look for us on PayPal (PayPal.Me/KDuarteF) or Venmo (Karla-Duarte-11). For more information, please contact us at onthebeatsd@gmail.com

About the documentary short

Performers in our first day of shooting at EQ Studios (National City)

ON THE BEAT: FEELING BODY is a poetic documentary short about the feminine and women in search of empowerment and liberation through the practices of music and dance. Our aims is to explore what is the meaning of body.

This is a Latino American story of trusting one’s body amidst the current political and social climate. What is the beat that drives all creation towards positive social change?


This project started development in March 2019. Last year, during the 2019 San Diego Latino Film Festival the Executive Director, Ethan van Thillo, shared a Call-to-Filmmakers inviting anyone to present any future film projects to the Latino Public Broadcasting Representatives.

On The Beat: Feeling Body was an idea that was already cooking, so it was a now or never kind of deal. I had no expectations, only good vibes about this new film idea in mind. It was my turn to present so there I was with two gentlemen waiting to hear my “elevator’s speech.” Hold on! My story was like a thesis long, so how could I’ve synthesized this idea in 30 seconds? Well, I had to, right? My message sounded more like a brainstorming exercise, but somehow I managed and delivered, “No shame in your game.” I learned that from the Surf Divas.

Weeks later they sent me the application form and in that moment I knew it was time to work hard. After many days and nights of planning, I finally polished the concept along with my team, and I was ready to submit the application. The deadline was here and to my surprise …(actually, I was very aware of what was happening all this time) but I am thinking “I am not going to make the deadline!” “What is all this work for?” This was a true moment of self-sabotaging and ego-predicaments. Then, I looked at the clock and it was 4:59 PM my deadline was five-o-clock, I hit the button right on time, but I got too close in celebrating my relationship with Mr. Sabotage. This was a victorious moment. Not really! “How could I almost let it slip out of my hands?” To tell you the truth, I put on the most toxic relationship on the line when I needed to be Mrs. Confidence — my self-doubt with my self-sabotage dilemma was like mixing tequila with Peanut Butter. Have you had this before? Yes! the Peanut butter tequila experience? …me neither! Back to the dilemma — When is the right time to jump and move forward? There is no right time but N O W, I told my-self. Why do we forget so quickly? It is so easy yet hard to follow.

Back to the application, approximately nine months later I got the news that the proposal made it to the first-round of competition. The project passed two rounds more making it to the finals. Finally, in December 2019, I got a personal phone call from the LPB Director who gave me the sweet news. On The Beat: Feeling Body was going to be possible thanks to the funding of the Latino Public Broadcasting, a PBS segment, the San Diego Media Arts Center, and the on-going donors who have been really supporting since day one.

Thank you for supporting the artists of our community, and for letting us share a message of female empowerment.

If you haven’t join the On The Beat movement, jump in follow us via FB @OnTheBeatDocu and on Instagram on @OnTheBeatDocu

Stay tune for more news!


Karla Duarte



K Duarte

(Tijuana / San Diego) MA Expressive Arts Therapist, Art Historian at heart and Documentary Producer. I love a good cup of coffee.